Aulia Zahrina, finalist of the CDS App Challenge 2018
We are proud to present Aulia Zahrina, Here are her thoughts about last year app challenge.
Who I am
I’m a health informatician, a musician and a multiculturalist who is passionate in international relations. I recently finished my master studies in health informatics at Karolinska Insitutet and Stockholm University, and I am motivated to improve healthcare services in Indonesia.
What I think the benefit with CDS is
It helps to improve safety, timeliness, efficiency, efficacy, effectiveness and patient-centredness of healthcare delivery.
What I modelled
An equation to calculate the recommended daily dose of vitamin D for ambulatory patients and elderly with vitamin D deficiency.
What was the most difficult
Creating and testing out the rules to handle different types of input units. Because we have to make sure that it executes the right equation.