Here we are collecting some frequently asked questions regarding the challenge and application creation. If you can’t find the answer to you question here, just reach out to us and we will do our best to help you!


Who can participate?

Anyone who wants to influence the future of healthcare!

I have no experience of programming, can I still participate?

Yes! The clinical models will be created using editors that translate intuitive dragging and dropping of elements into machine-readable code – so no manual programming is needed.
We have created tutorials on how to use the clinical modeling tools Archetype Designer, Guideline Editor and Form builder. Checkout the Guides and Tutorials to learn more about the modeling tools.

How many applications can I submit?

You are free to submit as many CDS applications as you wish! However, there can only be one competition entry per participant. All your CDS applications will be assessed and the one that scores the highest will be your entry to the challenge.

When can I sign up?

You can sign up at any time from the registration opening to the end date of the challenge. As long as you have submitted your application before the deadline, you are part of the challenge.

What are the scoring criteria?

The jury who will assess the submission of your CDS application will take the following aspects into consideration: clinical relevance, application description, language (English is mandatory, additional languages are encouraged), design of application, correctness of logic, test coverage of the guideline logic, and complexity of your CDS application. Find out more here.


Do I need any specific operative system?

The Guideline Editor and Archetype Designer work with any OS. In addition, there are numerous archetypes available both in the gdl-guideline-models repository, and in the openEHR Clinical Knowledge Manager, so participation in the challenge by non-windows users is still very much possible.

Do I have to create a user interface for my application?

Yes, a user interface will have to be created using the available tools in the Form builder which is designed to be used by any type of user.


I chose an application that did not exist in the repository but someone submitted the same one before me. Can I still submit mine?

No, each application has to be unique. An application is not claimed until it is submitted and approved by the CDS team. All approved applications will be merged to the master branch of the gdl-guideline-models repository repository, so make sure to keep an eye on that for any updates.

Is it OK to create another version of a CDS application that already exists in the repository?

Yes! Many CDS applications have different variants and versions which are considered to be separate, unique applications. Some examples on already existing CDS applications that are of different variants are:

  • CRB-65 and CURB-65
  • BSA-Dubois and BSA-Mosteller
  • WHODAS 2.0 12 items and WHODAS 2.0 36 items